An exclusive evening with MLS and
English Premier League club partners @ British Embassy, Washington, DC, USA. SAFC NASA's Committee and Regional Representatives (plus other 'important' guests) were asked to attend UK Trade & Investment hosted reception with Sunderland AFC and DC United at the British Embassy, Washington, DC. SAFC and DC United reviewed opportunities presented by such partnership - the short video (right) was shown by Sunderland AFC Commercial Director, Gary Hutchinson, and highlights the sister city connection. Other key figures were on-hand including SAFC legend Kevin Ball; Club Director, Per Magnus Andersson; Business Development Manager, Clare Wilson; as well as the DC United's COO, Tom Hunt. It was a great event and included additional opportunities for SAFC NASA to meet up with local members for a couple/few socials, as well as touring USA's capital city. Highlights include..... Bally Bally, [Not So] Secret Police, Black Cat Bar, Russian Karaoke, Crawling, Dinosaurs, State of the Union, Mario Kart.... |